Paper Crafts

Zumba Gift Bag

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Envision this if you will:
You’re in your back yard and you climb over the fence
from your yard and into the field.
You’re now “beyond” where you were.
If you walk across the field and cross the creek, you are now “beyond”
the previous “beyond”.  If then, you
climb the fence, cross the creek and walk until you can no longer see your
house at ALL, you have gone “beyond the wayyyy beyond”.  (Adapted from Pricilla Shirer)
God’s goodness and provision are just AWESOME.  Recently I have been able to see him go “beyond the
wayyyyy beyond” in so many of my dear friend’s lives.  Prayer and patience are essential for this to
happen, unfortunately I am lacking in both categories (the latter especially).  As I have written before, I love Ephesians
3:20. He is able to do FAR more abundantly, BEYOND all I can ask or even
think!!!  -Such a mind trip for a dreamer
like myself… you mean God is going to outdo even MY overactive
imagination???  Yes, yes, and Amen!
Please read Marilyn’s “beyond” story {here} and enjoy a dose
of just how cool God is. (She also took some better pictures than I did).
I also have a confession.
I am mildly addicted to the clear paint buckets from Michael’s!  QUICK! Someone stage an intervention!!!  I really wanted to try to use vinyl and my Cricut for Marilyn’s Zumba bucket, but I didn’t manage my time well and thus
ran out of crafting time.  Ugh.  One thing that has come in handy for the
buckets is my circle cutters from Creative Memories.  They are old, but cut a perfectly sized circle
for the top of the bucket!
Newest craft shortcut?
I HATE spending money on the crinkly-basket-filler-stuff (even “cheap” prices and it is over a dollar a bag) there must
be a better way, right?  Well, a few
Christmases ago, a friend’s mom suggested I shred the left over wrapping paper
as gift bag filler… So, with a little finagling, I figured out how to make paper crinkly!  What you need: small waste
basket, shredder, craft paper and a sturdy piece of cardboard (I used a spiral
I placed my cardboard (notebook) over the top of the
wastebasket, put the shredder on top of the cardboard and fed one piece of
colored cardstock through the shredder.
Because the paper can’t freely fall into the wastebasket, it gets
crimped!  Hooray for homemade
crinkly-basket-filler-stuff.  Bonus:  you can totally pick the color/pattern/etc. to
match whatever project you are working on!