4th of July Confetti Poppers
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I love spending the 4th of July with my family playing year games, eating bowls of mac and cheese, and then watching the firework show at the park in the evening. I wish we could have fireworks, but they are a big no-no here in southern California; so I came up with 4th of July confetti poppers that my niece and nephews can decorate and fill with confetti multiple times throughout the day.
I love spending the day with my family playing year games, eating bowls of mac and cheese, and then watching the firework show at the park in the evening. I wish we could have fireworks, but they are a big no-no here in southern California; so I came up with DIY confetti poppers that my niece and nephews can decorate and fill with confetti multiple times throughout the day.
Click over to Love The Day to see the whole post and tutorial. Be sure to tag me on social media if you make some for yourself; I love seeing your creations.