Thankful For Everything, Even Metrolink Trains
I truly have so much to be thankful for. I just got home after a long day at work (I am convinced the clock was broken and did not move for a good chunk of an hour today) and then running errands in the MESS that is California at Christmas time – the clock is moving too fast now, so much…
Messy Messy Bracelets
I just love when a random trip to the craft store yields a true treasure!!! Last year I organized my necklaces using {this} Pinterest idea. It was great to have all the necklaces organized and not just hanging on the doorknob/shelf/hangers in my closet. *Although this photo makes me think I need to get some more! Unfortunately, it didn’t solve…
Baby Buckets!
My dear friend from church, Sam, is expecting her first child (as I finally post this on my blog, little Olivia Marie has arrived!!!) and I wanted to do something cute for her baby shower… Problem #1 Sam and her hubby Yanick chose not to know the sex of the baby. Good for them! – bad for me and my…
DIY Lion Costume
It is a very good thing the only people reading this blog are my darling friends… Seriously, I have been neglecting the crafting/picture taking/writing. Ugh. The ladies retreat at church was a “safari” theme this year: “Faithful, Abundant, True On the hunt for life’s greatest adventure!” I about nearly fell out of my seat when Pricilla Shirer started speaking on…
Trying something new…
I was the child who never managed to successfully make an origami crane in school. Why would I think I might be able to make over a dozen origami flowers in less than four days???? – because I am a crafting machine!!! Mock-up Flower # 1 Let’s see if I can enlist the help of my “train friends” over the next two…