How to Make Powdered Sugar Heart Cupcakes
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So this post was supposed to be up over a month ago and life simply got in the way. Well, to be honest, my very challenging marketing class got in the way of all my blogging fun. So I posted a question on Instagram to see if you would still like to see my belated Valentine’s Day projects and everyone answered yes. So, Happy belated Valentine’s Day – may you be extra prepared when it rolls around in 12 months!
I love to be in the kitchen baking. Part of that is my ridiculous sweet tooth and the other part is that baking actually helps me destress. When I have a particularly challenging day, you better believe there will be baked goods in the office the next day. Good for stress levels, bad for waistlines.
I wanted to whip up something cute for Valentine’s Day and decided to make Powdered Sugar Heart Cupcakes!
I started with a simple box cake mix and followed the directions for mixing. Then I dyed it red with over a dozen drops of food coloring. I wanted these cupcakes RED and a red velvet cake mix just wasn’t going to cut it.
I baked my cupcakes and used this technique I found on Pinterest to get them to puff up just right. I also bake them in plain white wrappers and then put that inside a colored wrapper so the colored one doesn’t look moist from the baking.
I let them cool overnight, since I wanted to use powdered sugar on top – any moisture in the cupcake will soak up the sugar and then this won’t work. Trust me, I know from experience.
I grabbed a heart sticker, a sifter, and my bowl of powdered sugar and got to work decorating.
Place the sticker on the cupcake and sift the powdered sugar over the top of the cupcake.
Remove the sticker to reveal a beautiful red heart on the center of your cupcake!
I love that this could be used for any party with any shape or color. The possibilities are endless!
Please share your creations with us using #PDBJaySweetTooth

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