My Completed 30 While I’m 30 List
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One week ago I turned 31 (eep!) and my self-inflicted challenge to complete 30 things while I was 30 came to an end.
2. Get serious
about my fitness. – Lose 15 pounds.
Nope… Determined to make this happen this year! Nothing like a pretty white dress to make me want to put the chocolate down!
just for “fun”.
Nope… See number two.
Nope… WHY did I add so many “fitness” goals???
for one whole day and don’t care how completely lazy it is!
Check! Memorial Day was glorious!!!
cooking class – specifically to learn how to use knives.
Still need/want to do this!
and a nap in a park on a sunny day.
drive-in movie for the first time.
Incomplete – on the list for this summer!
a pie… from scratch!
I ate plenty of pie and it is so much easier to buy one at Corkey’s… maybe I will try to bake one for Houston’s birthday?
colored pants.
I TRIED!!! I tried on so many colored pants, it isn’t even funny. Am I destined to never own mint colored pants??? Curvy girl fail.
study… and finish it.
Massive fail. Brittany started a Beth Moore Bible Study and I desperately wanted to participate; but there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Check! – But no photo documentation – NEED a Waterproof Camera!
13. Visit the San
Diego Zoo – and take my nice camera.
Check! – But Houston took all the photos!
Still would like to go.
No whales, but a dolphin swam by while we were having lunch in Florida!
Santa Monica pier – I have never been there.
It is on the list for a summer in the future!
for Houston’s back yard. Take a nap in said hammock.
Can I get partial credit? I got to lounge in a hammock in Florida for half an hour – I could have stayed there all day! Bliss.
class with Houston.
Adding this to the someday list… I would love for us to do the DSLR basic class from A Beautiful Mess (more practical to do an online class with our crazy schedules.)
Veteran for their service every time I see a hat/jacket/etc.
This was my favorite goal for my 30th year – and it has turned into a lifetime commitment to thank and respect our veterans (and active military)for their service.
Thanking a group of recruits leaving for basic training at LAX.
Thanking an elderly man at Sizzler – he then hung out with Houston and I while we ate.
Helping with the “Flag For Every Hero” event on Memorial Day and Veterans Day at the Riverside National Cemetery.
Enjoying the smiles and handshakes of the people who have so faithfully served America.
Check! Not nearly as many as I would like, but it was nice to make some time to take care of myself and work out all the tension in my shoulders.
ride somewhere other than the Metrolink to work.
Nope… Probably not going to happen.
use my sewing machine. Take a class? YouTube?
It is still in the box!!! – But I moved it to Houston’s house where I will eventually use it. Riiiiight.
Bowl Flea Market.
Didn’t happen… but that is probably a good thing. I need to get rid of stuff, not buy more!
man (I realize I will be cutting it rather close next year, but whatever)
I was too freezing cold in Minnesota to make a snow man.., but looking at the snow and thinking about it counts in my book!
Stone to keep up with French (since my class at RCC was an absolute bust!)
Je n’est pas parle Francais. — and I will leave it at that.
FRIENDS series.
This didn’t happen… BUT I am on season 4 of the The West Wing and I am obsessed!!!
100 blog posts in a year.
Missed it by 18… but considering it took 4 years to reach the first 100 posts, I will take 82 in one year. Boom!
by doing something for 30 days straight.
No new habits to claim… but exercise should probably be the goal, right? See numbers 2-4.
2014 was a good year with the best December of my life, but I can’t wait for 2015 (which is flying by) – the year I get to become Mrs. Houston Laney!!!
It is going to be good friends, stick around.

It's so much fun to look back on things we wish we would have done but also getting to cross off some we have done. I'm totally the same with the fitness goals. I'm never going to do them. Unless I move somewhere the weather is always lovely. Weather kills my workout mojo. Thanks for sharing this fun list with us. Have a wonderful Easter weekend! (:
Leah Hough
I think I might copy you, too, and make a 30 while I'm 30 list 🙂
That was fun to read!
Elise Jay
Kiki – I have no excuse… I live in Southern California!!! UGH!!!
Elise Jay
DO it!!! 🙂
Elise Jay
You should!!! Be sure to add "attend my bestie's wedding" — totally crossing things off your list! 🙂