• Hooray For Today!

    Friends! I can hardly believe I have finally composed 100 blog posts! Thank you for joining me on this journey through blogging – I look forward to having a creative outlet after work and school, it this helps keep me from losing my mind, and I especially love that someone actually takes the time to read my sometimes melodramatic thoughts on…

  • A Bestie’s Baby Shower and Logo Gift Wrap

    Two years ago, my refrigerator was covered with wedding invitations.  This year, it’s baby season!!! Yesterday, one of my besties had her baby shower for her sweet baby girl, Harper Grace. Let me just tell you, that baby is one lucky lady. She was so blessed yesterday and the shower was beautiful! The hostesses really outdid themselves.  The decorations were…

  • Thanks A Latte – Bosses Day 2013 Craft

    — PLEASE CHECK OUT THE UPDATED “THANKS A LATTE” CRAFT — I always like to do something sweet for my bosses on Bosses Day – that was October 16th, for those of you who don’t know.   Generally, it isn’t anything too extravagant, just a fun little way to say “thank you” for all they do because I really do work…

  • Thankful For Everything, Even Metrolink Trains

    I truly have so much to be thankful for. I just got home after a long day at work (I am convinced the clock was broken and did not move for a good chunk of an hour today) and then running errands in the MESS that is California at Christmas time – the clock is moving too fast now, so much…

  • Messy Messy Bracelets

    I just love when a random trip to the craft store yields a true treasure!!! Last year I organized my necklaces using {this} Pinterest idea.  It was great to have all the necklaces organized and not just hanging on the doorknob/shelf/hangers in my closet.  *Although this photo makes me think I need to get some more! Unfortunately, it didn’t solve…