How to Make St. Patrick’s Day Green Punch
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Remember last month when I said how much I love sherbet punch? Well, I will take any excuse to make a batch and St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect occasion to make some St. Patrick’s Day Green Punch.
It is a super easy and inexpensive way to add a little green to your St. Patrick’s Day plans or parties – I think it would be so much fun to surprise everyone in the office with a festive afternoon treat. Yum!
How to make Green Sherbet Punch:
Rim you glass with green sprinkles for added fun. Michael from Inspired By Charm forever changed my life when he gave a rimming tip on his Leprechaun Kiss Martini recipe — use honey for extra sprinkle-sticking power. Genius, right?
Place two scoops of softened lime sherbet in a glass and pour clear soda into the jar. Watch out for the foam; I wasn’t paying attention and the foam totally bubbled over and messed up my sprinkles. Dang it.
Add a festive straw and enjoy!
Be sure to tag your photos with #PDBJaySweetTooth and share how you will incorporate your “pinch punch” into your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations!
You can click here for my more detailed instructions from when we made a huge batch of pink punch.