Thank You Gift for Nurses
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In November, we welcomed our son Jedidiah into our family and if you know me at all, you know that I’m a planner. I make lists for everything and my pregnancy/labor and delivery were no exception. On the top of my list: bring a cute thank you gift for the nurses at the hospital.
We took all the baby basic classes and had all my paperwork in order, but I didn’t anticipate having to be induced 3 weeks early. I didn’t have anything with me when I went to my 37-week checkup; no hospital bag, no birth plan, no thank you gifts for the nurses.
After whirlwind labor and delivery, and a 5-day stay in the hospital (woah there, out of control blood pressure) my appreciation for the nurses and doctors who cared for me and my family increased a thousandfold.
I have finally assembled the thank you jars that I had planned on bringing to the hospital as thank you gifts for the staff. I will be delivering them this week before Jedidiah’s check-up.
Houston customized the sweet graphic that he sells in his Etsy shop and change the color from gold to baby blue since we had a boy. He can update the graphic to any color – just send him an Etsy message to talk about customizing. I think these would make a great baby shower favor for party guests as well!
Thankful for Sweet People Like You graphic
I filled the jars with blue colored candies and attached the sweet graphic to the top of the jars with some adhesive tape.
I’m planning on taking the jars along with compliment cards for the nurses who provided such extraordinary care while I was in the hospital. Luckily, I had the wherewithal to make a list on my phone of all the different nurses who took a shift taking care of me.
I know they are just little jars of candy, but I hope they are a sweet way to say thank you to those nurses I appreciate so much.

This is a great idea. Thank you so much for the suggestion.
Julie Hamilton
Great idea! I never thought of that!
Jennifer Hay
What a nice gift option. It looks so cute!