Valentine’s Day Lollipops
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I LOVE Pinterest!!! Like, I luh-ove it! I think I can safely say I am completely addicted – exactly what I knew would happen, which is why I resisted ever even looking at the site for the last six months or so.
Anyway… I wanted to make something sweet for Valentine’s Day at work, but I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on candy, cards, conversation hearts, etc (all the commercialized mumbo-jumbo) – and I had seen a million adorable ideas on Pinterest. I love the much-used child photo with a depth of field perspective and inserting a tootsie pop in the child’s hand; wow, that sounds confusing in just words. But I wanted something different… partially because I didn’t think my co-workers would be particularly thrilled to receive a card with my smiling face on it.
I saw a picture of a lollipop flower and thought: “I can do so much better!”

I cut out the flower shapes with my Cricut machine and I downloaded the adorable Valentine’s Day printables from ~here~. I used my circle punch to make the coins, which I glued to the center of the flower; a little scotch tape to stick the cardstock flower to the lollipop and that part was done.

I used simple terracotta pots from Michael’s and craft foam from the 99¢ store. *Did you know they have Styrofoam at the 99¢ store???? It is over five dollars at Michael’s. *Score!* A co-worker gave me the crafting moss to cover the foam and I used Elmer’s glue to attach a pretty sparkly ribbon to the pot. –I originally had all sorts of other plans for decorating the pot with hearts and other such things… but my need for sleep prevailed and I called it a day with ribbon.
My adorable valentine’s sat untouched for much of the morning… that is, until I put a post-it next to it that said: “take one” and people realized there were lollipops!

This year, Valentine’s Day was not awful. I think it was largely due in part to my outlook on the whole day. .. I don’t have a boyfriend/husband to celebrate with. So what??? I also don’t have to share the covers in bed, shave my legs every day (eww, I know. But true) or spend money on some silly card on a holiday that glorifies “loving” someone on one particular day; I would much rather be loved all year long and receive support and affirmation than a dumb stuffed bear. Now don’t get me wrong, I WANT my “Charming”… so I prayed for him instead, and I prayed that I would continue growing into the woman he is praying for too. And then I said thank you to the valentine I did have; He is awesome, He is Jesus. Talk about the giver of gifts!!! Good luck topping receiving eternal life, my future husband!

Leah Hough
Umm, so is it bad that I shave my legs LESS as a married gal? Sorry Justin :/
Marilyn B.
Love this! I wish I had time to be super crafty – kinda hard with a little one crawling around. Thank goodness for craft night's at Summer's!
@Leah – in answer to your question, no. It's totes normal. Ha!