Blog Conference Must-Haves
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In January I had the opportunity to go to the Magical Media Retreat in Southern California; a weekend blog conference full of fun near the Disneyland Resort. I thought I would share my list of blog conference must-haves with you in case you’re planning on attending an in-person event this year. I know we’re all a little out of practice when it comes to in-person conferences so let’s do some prep work to make sure you have everything you need for your next trip.
This isn’t your normal “what should I pack for a blog conference” checklist. These are the things I pack to really make sure I can network with fellow entrepreneurs or talk to brands and make a great first impression. Of course, you would want to pack clothes, phone chargers, makeup, etc. for a blog conference but this is my list of blog conference must-haves that really go above and beyond the basics.
A Great Business Card
I highly recommend getting double-sided business cards that include your logo on one side and a photo of YOU on the other. As creatives, I know it is hard to show our faces instead of just our products or creations, but it is a blogging conference must-have. It makes it easy to put a name to a face and network long after the event is over.
• Logo
• Your headshot
• Your name
• Your business’s name/Your blog name
• Social media handles (even better if you can make it the same across multiple platforms)
• Your URL
• Your tagline
A Fun “Gift” With Your Business Card
Attach your business card to something that the recipient will remember or love to use. You can customize this for the niche you operate in and the type of blogging conference you’re attending. For example: I requested the first names of the attendees at the Magical Media Retreat and made everyone a vinyl decal with a Mickey silhouette (it was a small event of 25 people). I packaged each one in a cellophane bag with my business card and attached a logo sticker to the back. It cost about $5 to make all the decals with transfer tape and I packaged them while watching a movie with my husband.
• A sample size of your product (body care, fragrance, makeup)
• Full-size product (earrings, headbands, cake pops)
• A printable (for digital Etsy shops, patterns, your opt-in freebie)
• Stickers (for lettering artists, graphic designers, just for fun)
• A coupon card for your shop with more information
An Engaging Media Kit
It is more fun when I have something engaging to read or look at. I suggest making a double-sided media kit that is fun for brands and for your fellow bloggers. Have one side be business and the other side be fun!
- Your headshot
- A short bio
- Social media handles
- Your URL
Don’t include rates or stats
- Share photos of a project from start to finish.
- Photos of your most popular Etsy listings and a coupon code.
- Before and After photos of a service you provide or product you make.
- Testimonials.
- A game or activity (for example: you create bible activities for families, include one for them to try out).
A Branded Tote Bag
Here is my theory: the more time people see your brand name, the more it will “stick”. I use this as an opportunity to put my brand logo on a tote bag to hold my blogging conference must-haves, my pens, notebooks, etc. I know a lot of conferences and retreats will also include tote bags as part of the swag but I like to be able to drop that off in my room or car and only haul around the essentials; it also means less digging around looking for the pen that has inevitably sunk to the bottom of my bag.
You can easily make a branded tote bag with a cotton tote and some Heat Transfer Vinyl like I did for my branded tote bag. If you have a more complicated logo, you could use one of the following to get a tote with your information on it.
• Order from Shutterfly
• Have it screen printed (DIY-style or by another small business)
• Use an Etsy embroidery shop for a custom order
A Great Smile and Attitude
Remember, all the blogging conference must-haves are just extras. The most important thing to pack is a great smile and your personality. Have fun, make new friends, and enjoy being surrounded by like-minded creatives. The more effort you put into being a participant, the more you will enjoy the event.
• Participate in making fun reels/videos with other people.
• Use the photo backdrops – no need to feel awkward or rush; everyone else is creating content too.
• Clean your camera lens on your phone constantly!
• Take photos of your swag, the decorations, and the space the event is in.
• Have fun, stay up late if you want, go to bed early if you want, say hi to people you admire.
Whether you’re attending a blog conference to start your business or grow one you already have, adding a couple of these blog conference must-haves to your list of things to pack will help you make a big impact and they can also serve as ice breakers too.
Read more about the Magical Media Retreat here:
I would love to hear your blog conference must-haves in the comments. What is something out of the box you have brought to a retreat?